With our newly launched 4-in-1 joint supplement, Ginflex, now available at all National Healthcare Group (NHG) polyclinics, NHG approached us for a training collaboration. We provided an island-wide product training to 375 pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and retail staff across 13 NHG locations.
During the product training, our in-house pharmacist shared about two leading orthopaedic products in healthcare, Ginflex and Muscalax®. The sharing covered the various components of our products, including their active ingredients, how they work and direction of use.

Our bestseller, Ginflex, is a 4-in-1 optimised, 100% natural formula in a capsule for quick relief of pain and swelling in joints and muscles. As a plant-based therapy with patented formula for higher bioavailability and enhanced effects, Ginflex is popular amongst both NHG doctors and patients for the effective management of Osteoarthritis. It is recommended by the pharmacist and suitable for patients allergic to Paracetamol or Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) as well as people who prefer a natural and safer alternative to synthetic pain relief medications.
The pharmacist also talked about Muscalax® which is a greaseless and stain-free topical analgesic balm to relieve muscular aches, pains and sprains. It contains 3 well-established active ingredients to provide pain relief of muscles due to their counterirritant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Once applied onto the affected areas, the balm is absorbed quickly by the skin and deeply penetrates into the muscle to alleviate pain with a calm cooling, then warm sensation.
This training has helped the retail staff better address patients’ needs and problems through Ginflex and Muscalax®. For example, moving forward, they would know to introduce Ginflex to patients who want knee pain relief but do not want to use NSAIDs. The feedback from the attendees was tremendous and most of them indicated that they would recommend both Ginflex and Muscalax® to their patients, family and friends.

Miraco Nutripharm would like to thank NHG Pharmacy for this opportunity to provide education to pharmacists and retail staffs on our healthcare products. NHG Pharmacy is a business unit of NHG, which manages the pharmacy services and retail pharmacies at all NHG polyclinics and National University Polyclinics. Their pharmacies are conveniently located in the heartlands, offering an array of quality and affordable healthcare essentials to our community. Here at Miraco Nutripharm, we aim to reach further and benefit larger groups of people in our community through in-depth knowledge about our products and the related disease areas. If you would like to learn more about Ginflex, Muscalax or any of our wide range of products, do contact us through our Enquiry Form or drop us an email at enquiry@miraconutripharm.com.